Yellowstone NP Wyoming, USA

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A herd of buffalo in Yellowstone National Park
Tourists traverse the boardwalk at Prism Springs, Yellowstone National park.
The mighty Yellowstone River and Waterfall.
Old Faithful erupts to the gasps and excitement of onlookers.

One of the many geysers and volcanic hot springs in the park. This one is located near the West Yellowstone entrance.

Bacteria living in extreme conditions in the hot springs create vibrant colours in the many geyser streams. 

Yellowstone provides an almost endless spectacle of nature with a seemingly never ending supply of nature and geological wonders.
A lone buffalo feeding in one Yellowstone's grassy meadows.
A deer stands tall and alert among the sagebrush near the Lamar Valley in East Yellowstone. The Lamar valley his home to wolves and grizzly bears.
Splash. A boiling hot geyser erupts into the air sending thousands of water droplets in each and every direction.
Sunset in Yellowstone.
A smoking geyser emits a cloud of sulfur 
The Lamar Valley at sunset, Yellowstone National Park.
Deadwood line the toxic pools of water which can change location overnight as new geysers erupt and old ones cease to exit.
Buffalo grazing on a flood plain near the Yellowstone River.
A lone hot spring near 'Prism Spring', Yellowstone National Park

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